Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Ultimate Element Crosswo

We are moving for weeks between goodbye and a new beginning.
I were so fond of the woman I 'm in your dreams.
Look where we are today, why was just so much wrong ..?
This time can help us nothing and nobody, not a love letter.

I hold my breath. I delivered to you.
I know myself well enough, why I loved this man!
You were my everything. I have the same detected.
solve problems on your side, as if by magic.
refugees now as far as I can, as long as my legs carry me.
Where did you get me .. driven forth? No lights, no colors!
We have abandoned us and wrong track in the maze. The
here is the truth and damn if it does not then sounds.

And now ... I have no idea.
I found hard to love you but hate you worse!
I believe it can not always this battle of words again.
Tell me, how can that be love if it weakens me this concern.

you hear how disappointed I am ..? And everything falls apart.
often have to change as expected and it promises than you!
Do you hear what your wife is broken, the unit for you in danger.
I feel like a father who carries the favorite son to the grave!
Can I forgive this man, I take it in and buy wine.
I want to run but do not scream. Can you deliver me from this?


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