Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Stain After Waxing A Table

Blue is the color of the sky.

Sie ist das Beste, was es in der Welt gibt.
Sie ist die Farbe aller Farben.

Geschichte der blauen Farbe in der Malerei aller Zeiten
                                                                                                                                                                    Rainer Maria Rilke

pure luck is blue, the infinite happiness is blue ...

she stands with closed eyes in the park, the highest level of happiness .... Jasmin Photo

blue, as if light returns      

                        Poesie  William Michaelian

                Blue, as if light returns
Excerpt past from Before me, the

                                                      Photo Jasmin

Happiness is blue

Blue has magical charisma and therefore applies, it is the color of happiness, it is the color of life

A talent what blue highlights from all the other colors.
blue is associated with many positive attributes: incorruptible, character set sympathy, harmony, kindness and faithfulness. Blue is the color of distance, space and infinity.
Blue is the color of confidence and reliability.
Blue is still ...

                                                                                                       Photo Jasmin
Luzia-type painting

Luzia's Art meadow happiness

Luzia's Art last spring

Novalis: intoxicating and happy with the symbolic color of romance

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: out of date The appeal of the color blue

Friedrich Hölderlin: Lost into the wide blue I often look

Can You Stain After Waxing A Table

Blue is the color of the sky.

Sie ist das Beste, was es in der Welt gibt.
Sie ist die Farbe aller Farben.

Geschichte der blauen Farbe in der Malerei aller Zeiten
                                                                                                                                                                    Rainer Maria Rilke

pure luck is blue, the infinite happiness is blue ...

she stands with closed eyes in the park, the highest level of happiness .... Jasmin Photo

blue, as if light returns      

                        Poesie  William Michaelian

                Blue, as if light returns
Excerpt past from Before me, the

                                                      Photo Jasmin

Happiness is blue

Blue has magical charisma and therefore applies, it is the color of happiness, it is the color of life

A talent what blue highlights from all the other colors.
blue is associated with many positive attributes: incorruptible, character set sympathy, harmony, kindness and faithfulness. Blue is the color of distance, space and infinity.
Blue is the color of confidence and reliability.
Blue is still ...

                                                                                                       Photo Jasmin
Luzia-type painting

Luzia's Art meadow happiness

Luzia's Art last spring

Novalis: intoxicating and happy with the symbolic color of romance

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: out of date The appeal of the color blue

Friedrich Hölderlin: Lost into the wide blue I often look

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good Price For Pedicure


leather jacket, blouse - OHMYFROCK , jeans, scarf (New) - Zara, Boots, Bags - Rock Clothing

Good Price For Pedicure


leather jacket, blouse - OHMYFROCK , jeans, scarf (New) - Zara, Boots, Bags - Rock Clothing

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Divided Food Containers

The art of painting

lies the genius of the artist hidden in the soul and hidden from the enthusiasm for art comes from the innermost the soul .... as innate mental basis

art will happen until the last one is gone.

. ; ; ; .
                                                                         William Michaelian

the old photo shows a friend of my grandfather Dr. Langer beim Malen, 
und seiner Frau in Hinterhermsdorf bei Dresden

                                                                                                                                         Jasmin Photo

;                              Foto Jasmin            
   Elfenbeinminiatur Anfang 19. Jh.

                                                                                            Photo Jasmin ;
ivory miniature early 19th Century

everyone with a spell in the face: some like it, yes ......

                                                 Photo Jasmin                   
ivory miniatures early 19th Century
Lens is the only e English miniature painter, who used it as a canvas ivory.

technique of miniature painting
thinnest ivory - tiles are painted on old originals in watercolor, the artist to put on the finest dots and dashes, the motion required.

- Portrait Painting - Portra
                                                                                                                      Jasmin Photo
portrait painting on porcelain

The genius of an artist can not learn.
It will only be fully
when he observed the world around him and love t

art is so important is as a medicine can cure a lot ......

Divided Food Containers

The art of painting

lies the genius of the artist hidden in the soul and hidden from the enthusiasm for art comes from the innermost the soul .... as innate mental basis

art will happen until the last one is gone.

. ; ; ; .
                                                                         William Michaelian

the old photo shows a friend of my grandfather Dr. Langer beim Malen, 
und seiner Frau in Hinterhermsdorf bei Dresden

                                                                                                                                         Jasmin Photo

;                              Foto Jasmin            
   Elfenbeinminiatur Anfang 19. Jh.

                                                                                            Photo Jasmin ;
ivory miniature early 19th Century

everyone with a spell in the face: some like it, yes ......

                                                 Photo Jasmin                   
ivory miniatures early 19th Century
Lens is the only e English miniature painter, who used it as a canvas ivory.

technique of miniature painting
thinnest ivory - tiles are painted on old originals in watercolor, the artist to put on the finest dots and dashes, the motion required.

- Portrait Painting - Portra
                                                                                                                      Jasmin Photo
portrait painting on porcelain

The genius of an artist can not learn.
It will only be fully
when he observed the world around him and love t

art is so important is as a medicine can cure a lot ......

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All Possible Numbers With 4

The tears of the world ....

Jasmin Photo

The old beggar woman

It was begging an old woman who was, as we have seen this more often.
And if they got anything they said, "God reward you."
Once she came to a door where there was a friendly young Rascal on fire
And warmed himself. The boy asked the old woman kindly come to warm up.
She walked in and stood too close to the fire, so that their old rags began to burn
without noticing it. The boy stood by and watched
that he would delete it anyway.
Not true, he would have had to delete. And if he had had no water,
he had made with the tears his eyes need to delete.

; It is a Grimm's fairy tale .....

; A child is never the fairy tale has been told
, is a piece of field to keep in his mind,
; which in later years can not be built on.


All Possible Numbers With 4

The tears of the world ....

Jasmin Photo

The old beggar woman

It was begging an old woman who was, as we have seen this more often.
And if they got anything they said, "God reward you."
Once she came to a door where there was a friendly young Rascal on fire
And warmed himself. The boy asked the old woman kindly come to warm up.
She walked in and stood too close to the fire, so that their old rags began to burn
without noticing it. The boy stood by and watched
that he would delete it anyway.
Not true, he would have had to delete. And if he had had no water,
he had made with the tears his eyes need to delete.

; It is a Grimm's fairy tale .....

; A child is never the fairy tale has been told
, is a piece of field to keep in his mind,
; which in later years can not be built on.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tell Difference Between Genital Warts Razor Bumps


be real name Georg Friedrich Philipp Freiherr von Hardenberg
But this time it was not customary for the nobles are dedicated to the art of writing, so he needed the pseudonym Novalis
but this name Novalis is well grounded in the family history as the name of an ancestor

* 2 May 1772 at Castle Oberwiederstedt; +25. March 1801 in White Rock


"His philosophy was like his poetry, his life learned in life and then applied "

                                                                     Jasmin Photo
Tender is the thread of friendship,
but inseparable as those chain

                                                                                                                                    ; Photo Jasmin

Novalis and his great love that little Sophie von Kühn

, Sophie von Kühn Castle Grüningen

                                                                                                                                                                      Jasmin Photo

; ; Photo Jasmin


                                                                                  Photo Jasmin
the tomb of the family of hard mountain in the park at White Rock, a quiet place ....

House the von Hardenberg in White Rock monastery road , just minutes from my home

                                                                                             Photo Jasmin

Novalis the blue flower "
the blue flower
According to an old folk tale, long before the Romantics,
find someone happens to be a blue wonder flower;
through them he gains access to hidden treasures. Since
Novalis's unfinished novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen
is "the blue flower" became a symbol of romantic poetry
and their desire to become the infinite.

The blue flower ist ein zentrales Symbol der Romantik. Sie steht für Sehnsucht und Liebe und für das metaphysischeStreben nach dem Unendlichen. Die Bedeutung der blauen Blume entwickelte sich später auch zum Zeichen für den Wunsch nach dem fernen Fremden und einem  Symbol der Wanderschaft.

"Novalis erkannte die prosarische Versunkenheit seiner Zeit mit einer Tiefe des Gefühls, 
das man, in einem anderen Sinne als heutzutage, wohl einen Weltschmerz nennen dürfte"

"Each stage of education begins with childhood,
Therefore, the most educated, earthly man the child something like"

